LUMINOUS is a powerful celebration of the thinning of the veil between worlds, gifting us a unique way to honor our ancestors, the beloved departed, and even aspects of ourselves that we may have buried. Through story, song, community, a journey into the earth and our own hearts, LUMINOUS is a beautiful balm that will help bring light to these coming darker months of introspection.
It is a celebration of life, by honoring grief, impermanence, and the wisdom of the unseen world. Together with BLOOM, this second offering of hope and healing completes an important story of life’s most essential cycles of birth and death. At the heart of LUMINOUS are gifts shared to find light in the dark through re/connection and song. LUMINOUS is a living reminder that we are held by nature, love and magic, and that we hold the alchemizing, transformative powers of creativity.
You are invited on a rare journey where performance meets the unexpected.
Circle’s upcoming fall offering will take place at 5 and 8pm on October 29th & 30th, just before Halloween, Día de Los Muertos, All Souls’ Day, and Samhain marking the end of the regenerative warmer seasons and the approach of winter’s stillness. This liminal doorway recognizes the thinning of the veil between worlds, the essential lessons of impermanence, and the gifts of the dark.
LUMINOUS takes you into the cavernous heart of the Earth through contemplative story and song. This exquisite interactive experience will remind us that even in the coldest, darkest times we are held by beauty, that we are magic, and that each of us can be a light in the dark. We will offer two consecutive evenings to ponder and honor the importance that death, grief, and the dark carry…for there is no day without night.
Tickets and more info: https://www.circlecreativecollective.org/calendar/luminous-tales-for-seeing-in-the-dark
Direct ticket link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/luminous-tales-for-seeing-in-the-dark-tickets-421099719597