A Sculpture Exhibit at Century House Historical Society
“If I am right, some works of art not only make us suggestible, and
with it susceptible, to new values, beliefs, and ideologies, but they
also anaesthetize us against the pain that often attends such
— David Novitz “The Anaesthetics of Emotion,” in Emotion and the
Arts, edited by Mette Hjort and Sue Laver. New York: Oxford University
Press. 1999.
Opening Friday August 5th 4pm-8pm, 2022
In this, the latest outdoor sculpture exhibit to be held on the grounds of the Century House Historical Society, we wonder…
Can history be understood as a testament to a human capacity for unfeeling? While the history of medical anaesthesia has been well documented and explored, we seek to expand the generative possibilities of an anaesthetic interpretation of human (and
other-than-human) history, and towards this purpose we look to present work that engages with, avoids, supports, repudiates, touches upon, buttresses, undermines … the notion of anaesthesia in all of its diverse and various manifestations: as repetition and trance, hypnosis, the waking dream-state, the numbness of routine, reverie, Hypnos and the domain of sleep, the river Lethe and forgetting, amnesia, oblivion, the intentional protection of the senses (nepsis), asceticism, aestheticism….
In presenting this exhibit, we wonder “How can we pull the un-felt back into the realm of feeling?” We seek work that engages with the notion of salvage — as a rescue attempt — towards the retrieval of the insensible, the redemption of the dismissed, the recovery of discarded sensibilities.
The An/Aesthetics organizers: Michael Asbill, Jeff Benjamin, Lital Dotan, Maria Elena Ferrer-Harrington, Emilie Houssart
Solo saxophone performance by Tim Otto, 6:30 p.m.
Poetry Reading by Seán Monagle, time T.B.D.
Poetry reading by Claire Dauge-Roth. Time TBD
- Steve Czerny
- Michele Gabrielle Clark
- Isabel Cotarelo Crisalidas
- Renata Del Riego If rocks had no memory they would probably float
- Kayla Gibbons Cippus II
- Susan Graham Insomnia/Obscura
- Raphael Griswold Mil-2 Encirclement
- Sergey Jivetin Unmoored
- Neal Hollinger and Kieran Kinsella Forest Spirits/mine spirits
- Gary Kachadourian Oak Sapling
- Meredith and Harry Kuhnhardt
- Tali Levi
12a. Eve Joslyn Madalengoitia a distant future - Tom Mangenero
- Marko Marila Queerin’ the Hoggee
- Laura McCallum Mystère
- Mattias Neumann Basics Number 57
- Joel Olzak No memories, no work
- Kiersten, Ephraim, and Raivo Puusemp Gamma
- Eliza Pritzger Archaeological Gatekeepers
- Molly Rausch Mine Creep
- Brian James Robinson
- Greg Slick Space-Time Poem #2
- Tony Stanzione Cold Water Flat
- Roberta Trentin and Bosch Purvis EXTRACTOCENE
- Andres San Millán Trial of Desire
- Peter Lamborn Wilson Binnewater Ice Storage
- Hope Windle We the Pilgrim
- Robert The sANDals
- Suvi Tuominen
- The Center for the Study of the Relationship Between Words and Stones World Politics
Artists in An/aesthetics:
Billy Cancel | www.billycancelpoetry.com |
The Center for the Study of the Relationship Between Words and Stones | web.stanford.edu/group/ar… |
Steve Cherny | |
Michele Clark | www.micheleclark.work |
Isabel Cotarelo | isabelcotarelo.wixsite.co… |
Renata Del Riego | art-discontent.com/art/re… |
Kayla Gibbons | kaylagibbons.net |
Susan Graham | susangrahamart.com |
Raphael Griswold | |
Sergey Jivetin | www.jivetin.com |
Neal Hollinger and Kieren Kinsella | onemilegallery.com/neal-h… www.kierankinsella.com/ab… |
Gary Kachadourian | www.garykachadourian.com |
Meredith and Harry Kunhardt | 28aclay.com/pages/about-u… |
Tali Levi | |
Eve Joslyn Madalengoitia | www.evejoslyn.com |
Thomas Manganero | |
Marko Marila | www.markomarila.com |
Laura McCallum | www.lauramccallum.net |
Seán Monagle | |
Matthias Neumann | normal.artinoddplaces.org… www.sculpturemilwaukee.co… |
Joel Olzak | www.joelolzak.com |
Tim Otto | www.timottomusic.com/musi… |
Elisa Pritzker | www.elisapritzker.com |
Ephraim, Kiersten and Raivo Puusemp | |
Molly Rausch | mollyrausch.com |
Brian James Robinson | |
Andres San-Millan | www.figureartscape.com |
Greg Slick | www.gregslickart.com |
Tony Stanzione | www.stanzionestudio.com/ |
Robert The | en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rob… |
Roberta Trentin and Bosch Purvis | |
Suvi Tuominen | vimeo.com/suvituominen |
Peter Lamborn Wilson | en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pet… |