On Sunday August 21st at 3pm, follow Odysseus into the underworld with the Nekyia Ensemble. Music, poetry, declamation!
Inspired by the stories of Persephone, Odysseus, Orpheus and Aeneas, Nekyia: Music of the Underworld combines myth, Modern poetry, and the evocative music of the Nekyia Ensemble to create an unforgettable afternoon of descent and emergence and of transformation and renewal. For this 1 ½ hour concert at the Widow Jane Mine, readings by local Hudson Valley poets Dorota Czerner, Robert Kelly and Charles Stein intertwine with a curation of new musical works for guitar, for computer and for electric tuba performed by Colin McAllister and Jon Forshee of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs.
Poets reading their work:
- Dorota Czerner
- Robert Kelly
- Charles Stein
Music performed by the Nekyia Ensemble:
- Colin McAllister, guitar
- Jon Forshee, tuba / electronics
Featuring original music by composers:
Stuart Saunders Smith, Jon Forshee, Adam Greene, Joshua Charney, Stephen Bailey, Ron Coulter, Emiliano Gomez
Presales via this website are now preferred to get an estimate of audience size. Cash, checks, credit cards will be able to be processed onsite, but we prefer presales. There is a $1 processing fee for electronic sales
Ulster County is experiencing peaks and valleys of COVID transmission, so please wear a mask, even if vaccinated, until new advice from the CDC & NY health departments lets us doff them.
Children under 12 must be supervised and seated at all times during the performance.
As with all events in the Widow Jane Mine:
- Bring a folding chair for each audience member! We have only a limited number of plastic chairs, and if you bring your own, we can accommodate a larger crowd, and you’ll be more comfortable. Yoga mats or camping mattresses might also do if you don’t mind them getting wet and muddy.
- Dress for cool, damp, drippy weather, even if it’s the middle of summer. The mine has its own micro climate and often that climate is damp and drippy.
- As with the rest of the site if you bring it in, bring it out.